
Top 5 Restaurants in Hatch, NM

Voted as the best restaurants in Hatch, NM here are the 5 restaurants you need to try while in town for the Hatch Chile Festival!

Valley Cafe
335 W Hall St
Hatch, NM 87937
Phone number (575) 267-4798

"Green Chile enchiladas"

Green Chile enchiladas
photo via Yelp

B & E Burritos
303 N Franklin St
Hatch, NM 87937
Phone number (505) 267-5191

"I know, I know, too much food porn. But I'm in Hatch, NM. The food is great!"

photo via Facebook

Hot Stuff Restaurant
251 West Hall Street
Hatch, NM
Phone number (575)267-2611

photo via Facebook

115 Franklin St
Hatch, NM 87937
Phone number (575) 267-4222

"Green chile cheese burger with green chile sweet corn and a mostly devoured root beer float. All delicious."

photo via Yelp

Pepper Pot
207 W Hall St
Hatch, NM 87937
Phone number (575) 267-3822

"Green Chili Chicken Enchilada. Best I've ever had!!"

photo via Yelp
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